Monthly Archives - December 2012

NJVID Commons Collection Update – December 23, 2012

The following  videos from NJEDge Conference 2012 Collection was added to the NJVID Commons Videos Collection last week.

  1. Harness the Power of ‘Open’
  2. NJEDGE Community Cloud Status Panel Discussion
  3. Faculty Development and Support: Online Pedagogy, Technology, and Resources
  4. Ignite Session: Enlighten Me but Do it Quickly
  5. I Walk The “Online”
  6. Humanizing Transitions: A Case Study of Guiding Faculty through Change
  7. Digital Badges Engage Incoming Freshmen
  8. The New Interactive Embedded Course Resource
  9. Software Project Management for a Multi-Institutional Project
  10. Are we ready for Generation Z? New Strategies for a New Generation of College Students
  11. Badges? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges! (And Other Gamification Myths)
  12. Beginner’s Mind
  13. Instructional Continuity Planning Webinar
  14. Multimedia, Engagement and Collaboration : How to Humanize the Online Learning Experience
  15. Securing the Mobile Workforce : Protecting your network and endpoints in the new age of BYOD

NJVID has a new vendor – Women Make Movies (WMM)

The following titles from Women Make Movies were added to the NJVID Commercial Video Collection last week:

  1. Pushing the Elephant
  2. The Price of Sex
  3. Orchids: My Intersex Adventure
  4. Africa is a Woman’s Name
  5. And Still I Rise
  6. Sir: Just a Normal Guy
  7. Weapon of War :Confession of Rape in Congo
  8. A Boy Named Sue
  9. Afghanistan Unveiled
  10. Girl Inside
  11. Grace, Milly, Lucy . . . Child Soldiers
  12. Voices Unveiled: Turkish Women Who Dare
  13. Umoja : No Men Allowed
  14. Atomic Mom
  15. Ana Mendieta : Fuego de Tierra
  16. I Is a Long-Memoried Woman