NJVID Commercial Video Service Update – March 25, 2012

NJVID Commercial Video Service Update – March 25, 2012

The following videos were added to the NJVID Commercial Video Collection last week.

Films Media Group:

  1. Addicted to Cheap Shopping? Why the Real Cost of Goods Keeps Going Down
  2. Alpha-1 Genetic Deficiency
  3. Architects at work
  4. Birth
  5. CAD/CAM in Textile Manufacturing
  6. COPD: The Struggle to Breathe
  7. Economic Indicators
  8. Ethics in the Workplace: Joanne Ciulla
  9. Multi-drug Resistant TB: Kill or Cure, Series 2
  10. Over a Barrel: The Truth about Oil
  11. Patient Safety
  12. Plagiarism: What Do You Value?
  13. Practical Use of Materials: Textiles
  14. Researching Career Options: New Technologies and Current Techniques
  15. Smart and Technical Textiles
  16. Talk Fast: Pitching a Screenplay in Two Minutes

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