Tag - Commercial Videos

Announcing a new feature: Video Usage Statistics

We are pleased to announce the display and graphical view of usage statistics of your videos. Institutional administrators, Collections Managers and Content creators can now gauge the usage and response of a published video in NJVID. The graphical tools will not disrupt any existing workflow pertaining to uploading and managing videos.

Video Usage Statistics: The number of views for a video is shown under the video player. Clicking on the graph icon/button will reveal a widget which shows a graphical representation of the views. Advanced Graphing based on custom date ranges and Day/Month/Year segments are also available.

Please note that for Learning on Demand and Commercial videos, viewing of statistics is available only for the following category of users.

  • Institutional Administrators
  • Collection Managers
  • Authorized librarians
  • Content/video owners

For Commons videos, basic video statistics are displayed for all viewers.

If you need assistance with any of these tools or think that you do not have access, please email our Support team.

Announcing new feature: A tool that lists NJVID Video titles andLicense Expiration dates

We are excited to announce the availability of a tool that allows Institutional administrators and Librarians to view the list of commercial video titles licensed by the Institution that are available in NJVID. The tool also displays the expiration dates of the licenses for those titles.

This tool is designed to complement your existing workflows and will not disrupt any existing workflow with NJVID at your institution. To access this service, librarians can log into NJVID and select the ‘Commercial Videos Licenses Listing’ option from the dropdown that appears under your username or userid in the top menu.

Once logged in, you will find various sorting and filtering options to customize your view. The list can also be exported to a CSV file for further report customization and printing. If you notice any discrepency regarding the expiration dates or the license type (perpetual or periodic) then please bring it to our attention immediately.

If you need assistance with any of these tools or think that you do not have access, please email our Support team.

NJVID Commercial Video Service Update – February 19, 2012

The following videos were added to the NJVID Commercial Video Collection last week.

Media Education Foundation:

  1. Five Friends
  2. How to Start a Revolution
  3. Life in Occupied Palestine
  4. The Bro Code: How Contemporary Culture Creates Sexist Men
  5. The Purity Myth: The Virginity Movement’s War Against Women

Films Media Group:

  1. A Place of Our Own: Behavior and Emotions: Part 1
  2. SuperFly : A History of Genetics

Insight Media:

  1. Discrete Trial Training
  2. How to Read and Understand a Research Study
  3. Inclusion, IEPs, and Special Needs laws: What Teachers Should Know
  4. Introduction to Child Development: Infant, Toddler, and Pre-K
  5. Preschoolers: Cognitive Development
  6. Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom: Instructional Strategies for All Students: Elementary
  7. Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom: Instructional Strategies for All Students: Secondary

NJVID Commercial Video Service Update – January 29, 2012

The following videos were added to the NJVID Commercial Video Collection last week.

Films Media Group:

  1. Animated Minds
  2. Changing Men: Unlearning the Behaviors of Domestic Violence
  3. Management Styles Explained
  4. MyPlate: Understanding the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans
  5. Othello: A Critical Guide
  6. Suburban America: Problems & Promise
  7. Television History
  8. That’s News to Me: The Transformation of Journalism in a Wired Society
  9. The 30-Second President

NJVID Commercial Video Service Update – January 22, 2012

The following videos were added to the NJVID Commercial Video Collection last week.

Bullfrog Films :

  1. Valentino’s Ghost

Films Media Group:

  1. Accepting Life’s Transitions
  2. After the Boom
  3. Alcohol
  4. Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale
  5. Basic Nutrition
  6. Bill Moyers Reports: Trading Democracy
  7. Biomes of the Earth: Core Concepts Video Clip Library
  8. Brazilian Literature: The First 500 Years
  9. Capturing Reality: The Art of Documentary
  10. Cocaine and Crack
  11. Conquest and Colony
  12. Cult Witness: A Study of the Cultic Experience
  13. Dangers of Social Networking Video Clip Collection
  14. Finding Your Customers: Marketing and Advertising Your Business
  15. Food Safety and Disease Prevention
  16. Founding Mothers
  17. Fresh Food: What Is Farm-to-Table?
  18. From Romanticism to Realism
  19. Great empires of the past : core concepts video clip library
  20. Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero Program
  21. Haywire: Children Living with Schizophrenia
  22. Inhalants
  23. Intelligence, Creativity, and Thinking Styles
  24. Into the Mind: Emotions
  25. Into the Mind: Mind Control
  26. I’m Coming Out
  27. Japanese Education in Crisis
  28. Japan’s About-Face: Rearming Japan and the Asian Balance of Power
  29. Joan of Arc: The Maid of Orleans
  30. Kiva: U.S.A.
  31. Looking Ahead: Exiting Your Business
  32. Managing Your Business: Prices, Finances, and Staffing
  33. Marijuana
  34. Modernismo
  35. Mysteries of Matter: Chemistry and the Elements, from Hennig Brandt to Humphry Davy
  36. Narcotics
  37. Narrating Modernity: Writers of the Mid-20th Century
  38. Nutrition and Eating Disorders
  39. Nutrition and Weight Management
  40. Nutrition for Sports and Exercise
  41. Planning Your Business: Research, Goals, and Business Plans
  42. Politicians and Revolutionaries
  43. Pre-Columbian literature
  44. Regionalism and Indigenism
  45. Religion and America’s Role in the World: An Anthology
  46. Religion and International Affairs: An Anthology
  47. Schools of Thought: Teaching Children in America and Japan
  48. Skin Integrity and Pressure Ulcers
  49. Starting Your Business: Financing, Branding, and Regulations
  50. Sushi: A Bite of Culture, Aesthetics, and Nature
  51. The Avant-Garde of the 1920s
  52. The Body in Motion: Fitness, Skill, and Training
  53. The Body in Motion: Influences on Movement
  54. The Essence of Being Japanese
  55. The Facts about MRSA
  56. The Job Interview
  57. The Latin American Boom
  58. The Patient Care Nursing Team
  59. The Physics of Light
  60. The Progressive Era
  61. The Sexting Crisis Video Clip Collection
  62. Theater in Japan: Yesterday and Today
  63. Think b4 u Post: Your Reputation and Privacy on Social Networking Sites
  64. Tribal Wives: A Look into Tribal Family Life and Female Independence
  65. Tribal Wives: Challenging Western Views of Polygamy and Female Circumcision
  66. Tribal Wives: Western Taboos versus Tribal Traditions
  67. What Makes a Genius?
  68. Wound Management

NJVID Commercial Video Service Update – November 27, 2011

The following videos were added to the NJVID Commercial Video Collection last week.

Films Media Group:

  1. A Personal Philosophy
  2. AIDS: A Global Crisis
  3. Athena and Aphrodite: Wisdom and Love
  4. August Wilson: The American Dream, in Black and White
  5. Breakdown
  6. Chemical Equations in the Real World
  7. Christianity and Judaism
  8. Come Celebrate with Me
  9. Dante’s Inferno
  10. Demeter: The Miracle of Fertility
  11. Dionysus: The Joy of Life
  12. Double Helix
  13. Evaluating business performance: Small Business Case Studies
  14. Global Climate Regions
  15. Greenhouse Earth: An Uncontrolled Experiment
  16. Healers of Ghana
  17. Here in the Mind
  18. Hinduism and Buddhism
  19. Islam
  20. King Lear
  21. Lenin’s Revolution
  22. Life and Death: Medical Ethics of the Schiavo Case
  23. Love’s Confusing Joy
  24. Margaret Sanger
  25. Modern Myths
  26. Olivier’s Henry V
  27. Organizing America: The History of Trade Unions
  28. Paul Ehrlich and The Population Bomb
  29. People say I’m crazy
  30. Propaganda Wars: Japan and U.S.: The Battle for Hearts and Minds
  31. Public Relations
  32. Some Can Sing
  33. Swirl Like a Leaf
  34. The Environment: A Historical Perspective
  35. The Federal Theater, Project 891, and the Mercury Theater
  36. The Field of Time
  37. The Heart of Things
  38. The Passionate Statistician: Florence Nightingale
  39. Troy: Battlefield of Myth and Truth
  40. Welcome to the Mainland
  41. Who Authored the New Testament?
  42. Who Authored the Old Testament?

NJVID Commercial Video Service Update – November 20, 2011

The following videos were added to the NJVID Commercial Video Collection last week.

California Newsreel :

Mobile device compatibility for Commercial Videos – November 13, 2011

NJVID is in the process of  introducing  additional streaming bit rates for Commercial videos which will enable users to view them on mobile devices such as  iPads and iPhones. The following videos were updated with new datastreams to enable mobile device compatibility.

Films Media Group Collection:

  1. Acutely anxious
  2. Aesthetics: philosophy of the arts
  3. Anatomy of prejudice: Jane Elliott’s seminar on race
  4. Balancing learning standards with students’ diverse learning needs
  5. Beautiful minds: Part II: The Einstein effect
  6. Becoming me: the gender within
  7. Black money
  8. Bones and joints
  9. Classical Greek philosophy
  10. Conflict
  11. Continental philosophy
  12. Economic development: a global challenge
  13. Emily Dickinson
  14. Energy and resources
  15. Environmental issues and human impact
  16. Epistemology: what we can know
  17. Exploring the cosmos
  18. Fanfare for America: the composer Aaron Copland
  19. Fatherhood
  20. Global exchange: free trade and protectionism
  21. Goal-setting and action-planning
  22. Going green: real-world solutions for the environment
  23. Haiku: in Basho’s footsteps
  24. Health news and interviews: mental health and the human mind video clips
  25. Henrik Ibsen: the master playwright
  26. Herman Melville: Bartleby the scrivener
  27. Immortal Ibsen
  28. In languages we live: voices of the world
  29. India: working to end child labor
  30. Information literacy: the perils of online research
  31. International trade
  32. Introductions and definitions
  33. Irish theater: raw bones and poetry
  34. Issues of Latino identity: the yearning to be…
  35. It’s a mall world
  36. Johann Sebastian Bach: a documentary portrait
  37. John Updike: A & P
  38. Judging clothing workmanship
  39. Kenneth Branagh’s Twelfth night
  40. Kurt Vonnegut: so it goes
  41. Leaded gasoline: trading IQ for octane
  42. Learning about rheumatoid arthritis
  43. Logic: the structure of reason
  44. Looking back: British theater, two wars later
  45. Madness: a history
  46. Many tongues called English, one world language
  47. Matisse and Picasso
  48. Measles
  49. Media hype: when news coverage goes too far
  50. Metalloids
  51. Metaphysics: what there is
  52. Mexico City: the largest city
  53. Modern philosophy
  54. Money and banking
  55. Multicultural perspectives on adults with developmental disabilities
  56. Multilingual Hong Kong: a sociolinguistic case study of code-switching
  57. Nicaragua: turning away from violence
  58. No child left behind: the case of City Springs
  59. Notetaking
  60. Nuestra familia, our family. Part 1
  61. Nuestra familia, our family. Part 2
  62. Obeying or resisting authority: a psychological retrospective
  63. Oedipus the King
  64. Once upon a time: Baghdad during the Abbasid dynasty
  65. Order
  66. Outbreak in America: when the flu pandemic hits home
  67. Outbreak in Asia: how a flu pandemic is born
  68. Philosophy of mind
  69. Philosophy of religion
  70. Philosophy of science
  71. Play and the social world: acquiring social intelligence
  72. Pneumococcal disease
  73. Poetry and its relevance: an experiment
  74. Political philosophy
  75. Professional image
  76. Protecting earth’s atmosphere
  77. Public speaking: time to stand
  78. Racial stereotypes in the media
  79. Rebellion
  80. Resume preparation
  81. Richard Wagner
  82. Sacred spirit: the Lakota Sioux, past and present
  83. Science in everyday life: genetics video clips
  84. Science in everyday life: health and wellness video clips, part 1
  85. Science in everyday life: health and wellness video clips, part 2
  86. Science in everyday life: journey of the invisible video clips
  87. Science in everyday life: physical science video clips
  88. Seeing the light
  89. Self-harm
  90. Sexual stereotypes
  91. Shakespeare: drama’s DNA
  92. Shell shock: the failure of corporate ethics
  93. Skin
  94. Smell
  95. Space invaders: strategies for life in a crowd
  96. Spirits of the state: Yasukuni shrine
  97. Spiritual India: a guide to Jainism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism
  98. Stabilization policy for a small open economy
  99. Stones and bones: the birth of archaeology
  100. Strategic learning
  101. Sunflowers
  102. Super staph: invincible bacteria?
  103. Talk to me: the dynamics of hostage negotiation
  104. Tennessee Williams and the American South
  105. Testing the limits of possibility: massive dams and waterworks
  106. The Andalusian epic: Islamic Spain
  107. The Arabs make their entrance: Islam and empire
  108. The Common school: 1770-1890
  109. The Copenhagen interpretation: quantum physics vs. relativity
  110. The Islamic wave
  111. The Jayson Blair story: favoritism and plagiarism at The New York Times
  112. The Meiji period (1868-1912)
  113. The Muslim town: urban life under the caliphate
  114. The addicted brain
  115. The age of viruses
  116. The amazing mole
  117. The battle for Islam
  118. The battle for the language of the Bible
  119. The beauty backlash
  120. The beginnings: the Greeks and Romans
  121. The conquest of Mexico
  122. The dark reaction
  123. The feudal system
  124. The fluid transport system
  125. The future of theater: but is it art?
  126. The global dimension: the risks of globalization
  127. The global marketplace: the benefits of globalization
  128. The global neighborhood: what can happen with globalization
  129. The great wave
  130. The history of computers
  131. The history of money
  132. The history of the European Monetary Union
  133. The impact of global warming
  134. The interpretation of dreams
  135. The issues and methods of economics
  136. The job interview for people with disabilities
  137. The kiss
  138. The love lab: putting marriages back together
  139. The magic mirror
  140. The man behind the Marriott empire: Bill Marriott
  141. The market mechanism
  142. The new generation: Vietnamese-Americans today
  143. The night watch
  144. The noble gases
  145. The poisoned dream: the love canal nightmare
  146. The secrets of the human body: Islam’s contributions to medicine
  147. The seeds of a new era
  148. The summoning of everyman
  149. The thousand and one nights: a historical perspective
  150. The timber mafia: the economics of deforestation
  151. They surveyed the world: exploring the Arab empire and beyond
  152. Through a child’s eyes: views of global poverty
  153. Tillie Olsen discusses “I stand here ironing”
  154. Time for school: the global education crisis
  155. Time management
  156. Toni Morrison uncensored
  157. Tuvalu: keeping heads above water
  158. Tyranny
  159. Ulema and philosophers: faith vs. reason in Islamic Arabia
  160. Understanding bacteria
  161. Understanding learning disabilities
  162. Understanding mental illness and schizophrenia
  163. Understanding the dream world: moving beyond Freud
  164. Unequal education
  165. Viruses
  166. Voices of disposable people
  167. Water for profit
  168. Water for the cities
  169. Water for the fields
  170. Waters of discord
  171. When journalism gets a black eye: scandals and the fourth estate
  172. Whose plants are they, anyway?
  173. Why we buy what we buy
  174. Why we do what we do
  175. William Faulkner
  176. Women and Islam
  177. Women’s rights: raising the glass ceiling
  178. World War II
  179. Yukio Mishima: samurai writer