Tag - documentary educational resources

‘The Education of Shelby Knox’ and other titles from Women Make Movies and Documentary Educational Resources now available on NJVID

This week NJVID team has digitized and added new titles from the commercial video distributors – Women Make Movies and Documentary Educational Resources. The content includes topics such as sex-education and  Black Arts Movement. These titles can now be licensed by any NJVID member for streaming access. The complete titles in this list are:

  • The Education of Shelby Knox (Women Make Movies) – Winner of the Sundance Best Cinematography Award and the SXSW Audience Award. Lubbock, Texas has an abstinence-only sex education policy in its schools and some of the highest teen pregnancy and STD infection rates in the nation. Shelby Knox is a devout Baptist teenager who has pledged abstinence until marriage. When her interest in politics

    leads her to get involved in a campaign for comprehensive sex education in her town’s public schools, and then to a fight for a gay-straight alliance, she must make a choice: Stand by and let others be hurt, or go against her parents, her pastor, and her peers to do what she knows is right. The Education Of Shelby Knox is an exceptionally timely and intimate look at the cultural wars from the perspective of a young woman’s life. The support her conservative family provides is an example of how a healthy democracy could look given the time and will to listen.

  • N!ai, The Story of a !Kung Woman (Documentary Educational Resources) – This film provides a broad overview of Ju/’hoan life, both past and present, and an intimate portrait of N!ai, a Ju/’hoan woman who in 1978 was in her mid-thirties. N!ai tells her own story, and in so doing, the story of Ju/’hoan life over a thirty year period.
  • Poto Mitan: Haitian Women, Pillars of the Global Economy (Documentary Educational Resources) –  Told through the compelling lives of five courageous Haitian women workers, Poto Mitan gives the global economy a human face. Each woman’s personal story explains neoliberal globalization, how it is gendered, and how it impacts Haiti. And while Poto Mitan offers in-depth understanding of Haiti, its focus on women’s subjugation, worker exploitation, poverty, and resistance makes it clear that these are global struggles.



The titles can be licensed from the following representatives – Women Make Movies: orders@wmm.com; Documentary Educational Resources: alijah@der.org